The Distraction Addict’s 5 Step Guide to Freedom

We live in an era of distraction. Never before has so much stimuli been so readily available and constantly present. Thousands of advertisements pass our eyes and ears every day. We impulsively check Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, the news….try to focus for 10 minutes, then do it all over again. We can no longer stand to be alone with our thoughts for even the shortest moment. We’ve become addicted to the rush of constant information. Our phones are the needle and we are the junkie. Continue reading “The Distraction Addict’s 5 Step Guide to Freedom”

The Leader’s Pursuit of Service

It is unfortunate that “servant leadership” has become little more than a corporate buzzword. While the concept is proven and good, the practice is hard and rare. In his classic “Good to Great“, Jim Collins correlates the humility of Level  5 leaders with the concept of servant leadership. People have even equated Jesus Himself as the greatest of all servant leaders, and I would agree.

If this virtue of leadership is so powerful in transforming companies, and even the world, why is it still such a rarity? Continue reading “The Leader’s Pursuit of Service”