
Author: Robert Morris
Genre: Christian Living
Tags: Faith, Leadership, Recommended Books
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Publication Year: 2016
Length: 193 pages
ASIN: 0718011112
ISBN: 9780718011116

Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church brings a timely message on how and why to hear from God. He begins by establishing the fact that God still speaks, and then moves on to how we hear Him by being in close relationship with Him.

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About the Book

One of the most common questions that Christians ask is “How do I know God’s will Pastor Robert Morrisfor my life?”. Most believers want to follow the will of God, but aren’t sure where to start in determining it! In his 2016 book “Frequency”, Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church, in Southlake, TX addresses this important question of hearing and discerning God’s voice.

I have been an involved member of Gateway Church since 2014 and have greatly enjoyed the blessing that God has given through the church, under Pastor Robert’s leadership. As a volunteer, I have been able to see the inner workings of the church and can attest to it being a special place. Pastor Robert is not only an excellent communicator, but a humble leader that is being greatly used by God. As a leader who seeks God fully, he realized that one of the most important things he could do is get people in a direct relationship with God so they can hear from Him. Frequency does an excellent job of presenting that point.

The book begins by establishing our position as sheep that are to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. That we are naturally created to recognize His voice. It then moves to why we need to hear from God in Chapter 2, and continues on with the various ways we hear from God. These ways include the Bible, Worship, and Prophecy. It also focuses on the importance of valuing, stewarding, and confirming His voice.

Don’t expect a new formula or revelation. In typical fashion, Pastor Robert points back to a close relationship and plenty of time with God, through His Word, worship, and prayer, as the most important factors in knowing Him and His voice. Basic isn’t bad, and is what many of us need to hear before we try to get theological and advanced in our methods. Frequency is an easy read and delivers solid theological principles in an easy to digest format. If you are a fan of very heavy and meaty books, this may not be the one for you. However, if you are looking for an easy read that will encourage your walk with the Lord, it is well worth you investment.

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